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I'm on a mission to help you feel great! When you understand what ails you, makes you sad or anxious, it's so much easier to heal.
Coming in February, I'll be offering online sessions so stay tuned for details.
Your health and healing is in your hands. Feel the empowerment of taking excellent care of yourself.
Cultivate a deep reverence for your life. Know that you are all powerful. It is believed that the only true illness is to be misaligned from your true nature.
All through the ages the maxim to 'know thyself' has presented. When we know who we are, we have the ability to consciously create our lives.
This practice helps to clear and tonify the lungs - the home of our grief and sorrow. When we are overwhelmed with the struggle of releasing our heartache, we can feel as though we are drowning as the lungs become increasingly incapable of taking in fresh, vital Qi/life force.
This session also helps to open the heart, allowing us to expand outward to reach all life while taking in the love and goodness of the entire Cosmos.
Practices for Healing
Your bones provide the framework for your entire being. Deep within the core of the bones themselves exists the bone marrow. This gives birth to your protection by way of the immune cells.
The kidney energy nourishes the bones and the marrow. Kidneys are the home of our primordial essence; that which makes us specifically and authentically ourselves. Problems with our bones may relate to the foundational structure of our birth family or a great trauma that has occurred.
When we learn to trust in life, in its genuine protection and care of our very essence, our bones will be strong and nourished. This will give rise to confidence while banishing insecurity and illness.
Everything is interlinked – both in the great vast cosmos and deep within the universe of your own body. Follow me here if you would like to learn more about the relationship between mind, body and essence. When you understand the language your body is speaking to you, you become full of vitality and empowerment.
Thank you so much for taking the time to nourish yourself and to share Qi with me .
Shibashi means 18 in Mandarin.
This is a set of the 18 Qigong forms that make up this delightful practice.
This is an easy to follow program that is fully guided to offer you a deeper understanding of what you are gaining from each form.
Copyright © 2025 Shawna Ink - All Rights Reserved.